Parkinsons Pledge profile

The Parkinson's Pledge is a community of fitness and wellness professionals working together to train the world's first "GPT for Parkinson's"

Who is behind the Parkinson's Pledge?

We are a group of fitness and wellness professionals that have experience working with people with Parkinson's. We come from different areas - meditation, physical training, breath work, cold exposure, acupuncture, massage, and many more!

What are we building?

We are aggregating our knowledge of working with Parkinson's into the first AI-powered Parkinson's central "brain". Once this "brain" is completed, we will make it available to the leading Parkinson's researchers and doctors, to provide them with new information and treatment methods. You can think of this "brain" as "GPT for Parkinson's".

The Pledge

Our ask is simple - Pledge 1 hour of your time each month to help training the world's first "GPT for Parkinson's".


Pledge your  1 hour here